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Government Affairs

    Federal and State Legislatures continuously meet to make decisions on HR public policies. Their objective:  to reach a consensus on a wide range of issues which affect every Employer, Employee and Citizen. This process involves making critical decisions based on information received from citizens, lobbying groups, state agency personnel and others.

    As Human Resource Professionals we have the unique opportunity to share with Representatives the impact of proposed bills and regulations to both our Employer and Employees

    You can play a role in this process by

    • Getting to know your legislators
    • Making a personal visit
    • Attending a Town Hall Meeting
    • Writing a letter
    • Sending an e-mail message
    • Calling the toll-free Legislative Hotline
    • Getting to know the legislative Staff
    • Networking with other citizens
    • Testifying before a committee

    When becoming involved, remember:

    • Regardless of how you contact your legislators, you will be more effective when you:
    • Are prepared for your discussions.
    • Provide a written statement with all verbal presentations.
    • Make letters and e-mail formal, specific, and concise.
    • Don't berate or argue with your legislator when you disagree. Simply thank the member for the time spent with you and express a desire for further discussion.
    • Whatever your position, remember your participation makes a difference.
    • Becoming active in the legislative process is one way each of us contributes to the quality of life we experience in our state and country.

    SHRM makes this easy by:

    • Offering HR Voice opportunities to simply submit a pre-typed letter to your local representatives to state your view.
    • Easy access to your local representatives contact information to make these contacts about issues you see of importance.
    • Education materials readily available on new topics and how they affect your job, company or employees.

    • For additional questions and support, please contact Tammy Davis at